What is your role at Photobooth Rocks?
I’m a Photobooth Attendant! Do you need pose suggestions, most popular prop combos, or the confidence to leave the best video message of the night? I’m your man!
Who inspires you?
My two older sisters are an ever-present source of advice, knowledge, and optimism when I need help solving a problem or need to cheer up after a rough day. They make sure I think about what I can do to ensure people are having the best interaction I can offer them.
What was the best concert you ever went to?
Ke$ha touring with Macklemore was so much fun! I will always laugh when I think about Macklemore joining Ke$ha on stage wearing one of her own outfits. She couldn’t hold back her laughter, and it was great to see two artists sharing a stage with so much lighthearted joy!
When people ask “What do you do?” how do you answer?
I create memories! Honestly, I usually have a fun story ready from the last event I worked. Whether it was a wedding in a new breathtaking venue, or a corporate event where I got to see a company that really appreciated its employees, there’s always fun stories coming out of every event I’m at.
Where is your favorite place in the world?
The library! I am a total bookworm. On top of that, public libraries are so much better for local communities than most people know. I am constantly encouraging people to look up what services their local libraries offer. They are so much more than a place to borrow books, they can help build you up as a person.
What are you passionate about?
I love to hear people’s stories. We are all collections of stories walking around. When I meet someone new, I can’t wait to hear about whatever story they want to share. Sharing stories is a great way to see and understand the world.
What’s your favorite family tradition?
In my family, we have a tradition on Christmas morning where we open all the presents as soon as we’re awake, but we save our stockings until after breakfast. During that meal we are all reminded how well we know each other, and every year I remember how lucky I am to have a family that not only loves me as I am, but encourages me to keep finding joy in the world.
Who would you most like to swap places with for a day?
Is it weird to say my cat? I would love to know what the world is like from her perspective. How great would it be to lounge around knowing that all your needs are going to be met by your favorite person?
But if it has to be a human, it would probably be Tyler Glenn, the lead singer of Neon Trees (which is one of my favorite bands). I think I would make a great rockstar... if only I had any musical talent.
What did you do before you did this?
I’ve worked as a cashier a lot. It’s nowhere near as fun as working a photo booth, but I’ve made some great friends along the way because of those jobs. Even if they weren’t always my favorite, I’m happy with my work history.
When and how did you get into the wedding industry?
My best friend, Casey, brought me onto the Photobooth Rocks team. She knew I was looking for a change in my life, and knew I would work hard in any job. It has been a great opportunity. I’ve learned so much about what goes into a wedding. The photo booth might be a small part of someone’s big day, but I love making sure it’s something our happy couples remember fondly.
What is your favorite Photo Booth prop?
For a bride and groom, it is the crown and tiara. Everyone should feel like royalty on their wedding day!
For myself, I love the Squad Goals sign, because my family and friends are the most important thing in my life. That sign reminds me of their love and support.
Tell us about your most memorable event so far.
I worked an outdoor wedding at Bella Collina on a rainy day. Anyone that’s lived in Florida long enough knows how temperamental the weather can be. I thought I was going to walk into a ruined wedding day, but they’d put up a tent turned it into a wonderland. The rain that could have ruined things became a beautiful part of the ambiance. I think that was one of the times where rain on someone’s wedding day really was good luck!
What advice do you give most as a Photo Booth Attendant?
A lot of my advice tends to be about what poses to do in the pictures and how to get the most out of the scrapbook. As a guest, don’t be afraid to take up as much space as you want. If you’ve got a lot to say or you want to fill a page with pictures of you and other guests, that’s exactly what will make the bride and groom love your page. They want to hear how much fun you had!
What is your favorite part of an event?
It’s a 50/50 split. I love seeing a well-made wedding cake, something that both looks and tastes amazing. But I also love seeing guests that have unique ideas with their time in a photo booth.
Some of my favorite moments from events are when people come to me with a very specific idea in mind of what they want to do in their photos. One couple came to the booth and split up their pictures so that in the first she was alone looking down, the second he was alone looking up, and in the last they were together. I loved that they made the three pictures tell a story!