Orlando photo booth rental, Photobooth Rocks loves our photo booths and we have so many options! From the traditional photo booth, to the group booth, to our totally versatile open air booth, there is always something to fit your needs!
One of our newest additions to our photo booth fleet is our open air photo booth. We are so proud of this booth because of how versatile it is and how well it fits the needs of so many of our clients! If you thought having a photo booth at your next event was out of the question due to space issues, this is the photo booth for you. As you can tell from the picture below, the open air booth is a simple front-end of a photo booth that is so small in diameter compared to other booths that it can fit virtually anywhere!
Even if you have wide open spaces available for your event, the open air booth is still the perfect choice! Why, you might ask, would you need such a small photo booth if you have tons of space available to you? Because of the quality of the background in the pictures it provides! In this photo below, one of our clients used our open air booth for their outdoor wedding at Cypress Grove in Orlando, Florida.
As with all of our photo booths, all of the guests at your event will have a blast enjoying themselves taking all sorts of crazy photos with our props, and with each other but with the actual location as the background! By using the open air photo booth, these clients were able to capture the gorgeous lakeside view in the background of all of their photo booth photos.
See how great the background turned out?! That's no wallpaper, that is the real thing!
Another advantage of our open air photo booth is that it will fit as many people as your heart desires into the picture. Every single guest at your event can pose for the photo together. Imagine a your entire group's photo taken with a photo booth! The sky is the limit with our open air photo booth, literally!
The open air photo booth is awesome! For more information visit us at www.PhotoboothRocks.com