
Customize unique logos to help celebrate in a fun way!

We are always celebrating something or someone special. From birthdays to wedding and now that we are in fall, the holidays are right around the corner. why not rent out a photo booth and customize your strips?! Some of our client are way ahead and made their own unique logos to help celebrate in a […]


Orlando Photo Booth – Fun Photostrip Friday

Every Friday, check out all the funny photo strips taken with Photobooth Rocks’ photo booth.  This week we’re showcasing some of the photo strips taken during Laura + Thomas's wedding at the Wyndham Grand Orlando Resort Bonnet Creek (Palms Ballroom) - Orlando, FL !!


Orlando Photo Booth Rental - Fun Photo Strip Friday

Every Friday, check out all the funny photo strips taken with Photobooth Rocks’ photo booth.  This week we’re showcasing some of the photo strips taken during Heather  + Jason's wedding at the Jumbolair (Banquet Hall) - Ocala, FL !!